Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some interesting stats...

Since part of this blog is meant to help other people with their struggles, and part of it is meant to help me (by getting it out of my head), I thought you might be interested to know it is having its intended effect. Now, of course it helps me to write it down (though a lot of this continues to rattle around in my head.) But you might be interested to know that as of yesterday, over 700 people from 35 States and 9 other countries have visited the blog and I have received supportive notes from scores of them letting me know that it is helping them in some way. Some of the messages come via facebook, on the blog notes, phone calls and some via email, but i'm amazed that in only a couple weeks of posting that so many people have found the blog and in it, a message that resonates with them in some positive way. It makes me feel good to be able to help others, and some days feeling good is not so easy, so I really appreciate hearing about it. Hopefully it is a small reflection of all the help we have received from friends and family as we go through this.

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